Academic Effectiveness and Innovation (AEI)
Our Mission
Academic Effectiveness and Innovation (AEI) partners with faculty and staff to foster continuous improvement in teaching and learning, assessment, program review, and curriculum through collaborative professional development.
Faculty and Staff Development
Our staff provide professional development opportunities for all employees, including faculty, staff, and College leadership. Annual events include New Faculty Academy, two two-day faculty in-service events, Professional Development Day during Spring semester, and various other workshops, sessions, and training opportunities you can find on our PD Calendar.
Assessment of Student Learning
Saint Paul College engages in assessment of student learning at the college-wide level, at the program level, at the course level, and at the co-curricular level. AEI provides assistance to faculty, staff and programs as they create measurable outcomes, gather evidence, and analyze and use results. We support all aspects of the assessment process through consultation and resources. We also help to integrate assessment of student learning into Program Reviews.
Curriculum and Instruction
We help Saint Paul College – everyone from individual instructors to whole departments and programs — with all phases of instructional design: creating program and course learning outcomes, getting them approved by the Academic Affairs and Standards Council, planning courses and lessons, crafting assessments and rubrics, and incorporating innovative tools and culturally responsive teaching techniques. No matter the mode of instruction – face-to-face, online, or hybrid – AEI can help you do what you do best, better.
Program Review
Every program at Saint Paul College participates in the Program Review process with a thorough comprehensive review every three years and progress-check annual reviews in the years between. The Program Review includes a wide variety of data including enrollment, course success, retention, graduate outcomes, assessment of student learning, and equity measures that allow faulty in the program to describe the state of their program and to analyze trends and discuss options for improving. The Program Review also documents changes to curriculum, instruction, and development. AEI provides support and guidance through the process.
Continuous Quality Improvement
Central to all AEI’s work with faculty and staff across the College, we strive to foster a culture of ongoing reflection and growth. Change in higher education is common, but not always easy to embrace. Our goal is to make change sustainable, intentional, and meaningful to the evolving needs of our community. Through professional development and data-informed consultations, we support individuals and teams as they engage in annual and iterative processes to improve the outcomes of their work.
What we do
Our Services
who we are
Meet the AEI team
Sarah Carrico
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs, Academic Effectiveness and Innovation, Academic Support, Administration / Leadership Team, Student Affairs
Thomas Bruflat
Director of Staff Development & Co-Curricular Assessment
Academic Effectiveness and Innovation, Student Affairs
Ben Tri
Academic Affairs, Library
Christopher Gaalaas
Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator
Academic Effectiveness and Innovation, Student Affairs
James Smrikarov
Instructional Designer
Academic Affairs, Academic Effectiveness and Innovation
Eric Kline
Academic Technologist
Academic Affairs, Academic Effectiveness and Innovation
Chue Xiong
Academic Effectiveness and Innovation
Academic Affairs, Academic Effectiveness and Innovation
Clare Forstie
Dean of Academic Effectiveness
Academic Affairs, Academic Effectiveness and Innovation